Corporate Governance

The Trusted Fraternal Life Board of Directors is comprised of 12 individuals from diverse backgrounds dedicated to providing strategic oversight of financial results and fraternal impact.

Board members are elected by members to serve members; they are guardians of the mission and advocates for the vision.

Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors

Pictured in the photo taken in 2022, left to right, first row: Kari Niedfeldt-Thomas, Coral May Grout, Sandra Dempsey,
Kristen Mueller; second row: Lisa Mick, Spiritual Director Archbishop Jerome Listecki, Board Chair Allan Lorge, Joe Kopinski; third row: Susan Obermiller, Jay Mack, President and CEO John Borgen, Jeff Tilley, Bill O’Toole. Director Jay Mack finished his term at the end of 2022. Director Mike Giffhorn (not pictured) began his term in 2023.

Articles of Incorporation of Trusted Fraternal Life
Bylaws of Trusted Fraternal Life
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