On March 5, 2024, President and CEO, John Borgen, shared why this is an exciting time for members and other fraternal organizations who join the Trusted Fraternal Life family.
Our Purpose
Trusted Fraternal Life was established in 2024 to facilitate consolidation in the fraternal sector, while preserving unique identities and traditions, and achieving the necessary scale to be relevant, to compete and to grow.
Our Vision
To be the innovative leader in fraternal partnerships and consolidation, while growing our existing business, and engaging more people to enjoy financially secure, purposeful lives.
The Opportunity
Consolidation has been happening in the life insurance industry and the fraternal sector for the past 50 years. In fact, Catholic Financial Life was the result of nine different mergers during that time (five Catholic organizations, four non-Catholic.)
Executive leadership and the Catholic Financial Life Board of Directors saw a unique opportunity to build the NextGen fraternal life insurance organization by building a family of brands.
The Design
Fraternal organizations that join the Trusted Fraternal Life family of brands can maintain the essence of their brand identity while achieving economies of scale, pursuing growth opportunities in different markets and making an even greater community impact.
Member Impact
While members continue to enjoy unique member experiences, they will benefit from being part of a larger, financially stronger, and more charitably impactful organization.
For more information, please see Frequently Asked Questions.
Meet the Family of Brands